Tales from the Deep Dale everyone loves a good story

Welcome to deepdaledesign.co.uk

Welcome to the launch of our new website www.deepdaledesign.co.uk. It's been a long time coming, but we think it has been worth the wait.

Life has a habit of getting in the way and as for time, it seems to be a runaway train! However, we've still been busy, creating and making, but most of all, we have begun to get a feel for what we need to be in this rapidly changing world in which we find ourselves….

…For starters, as a result of the UK leaving the EU, we have decided to use our .co.uk domain as we feel it will better represent our values going forwards. We will all need to get behind our great nation and celebrate our ingenuity and innovative culture if we are to succeed in the global economy. Taking this one step forward, we will be celebrating where we live and work by promoting our 'designed and made in Cumbria'. We are lucky to call Cumbria home and we continue to find inspiration amongst the lakes and fells.

The other elephant in the room is the current Covid 19 pandemic. This has and will affect us for many years to come. We have all been forced to reevaluate our way of life and it is unlikely to ever be exactly as it was. For us, we have to see this as an opportunity to be different, to act differently, to be better as a person. We have seen many acts of kindness and community, of support and understanding that have represented all that is good in society. Unfortunately, not everyone shares that spirit of community and tends to favour a more self centred approach. Everyone suffers because of it.

We all therefore have a choice as to what kind of a future we want to be a part of. From a personal perspective it has been wonderful to see people getting creative. Music, writing, art and entertainment, there has been a massive output of creativity and I for one would like to see this continue. We all know the health benefits that being creative can bring. We feel better about ourselves as it is a positive activity, with positive outcomes. A counter to all the negativity we are bombarded with daily.

Being creative outdoors is even more rewarding. Immersing yourself in a sensory explosion of sight, sound, smell and most importantly, life. Being anchored 'in the now' has never been more important to us as we strive to make sense of our daily lives. Much has been said of 'mindfulness' recently, but far from being some Hippy throwback, it is the simple pleasure of 'being'. Not worrying about what has happened before or what might happen tomorrow, but the realisation that what happens right now is the only thing that matters. Take that time to really feel the world around you. Marvel at the fact of your own brief presence on this miracle of a world. But most of all, make the most of it. Time really is short and no one knows when their time will end.

The saying "leave only footprints" may seem more relevant than ever, but I tend to see our personal passage as a chance to leave positive feelings with the people we love and the strangers we meet. The consequences of our myriad interactions can be profound, for good or bad. Let's strive to make them positive, 'paying them forward'. As Maya Angelou said, "I've learned that people will forget what you've said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel".

Let's all do our bit. A little thought goes a long way but don't forget to enjoy the moment. Get creative. In fact, create your happy, whatever that might be.

Steve Hughes


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