Wood Working with trees


There is no finer material to work with than wood. Having been a practising Industrial Designer my whole career, the approach to creating in wood is always design lead. The main difference is that the timber and its inherent characteristics heavily influence the design thought process. The grain, colour, density, strength, all have an affect on what they might become. It has been a constant source of satisfaction to have the base material have such an influence on the design outcome. You cannot 'impose' on the material, but have to feel your way through to a suitable design.

Once you know where you are going with the design, you then have the challenge of making it a reality with your own skill and craftsmanship. No 3D files to Toolmakers here, but true hands on, honest 'making', with the satisfaction of creating something individual and unique.

The current priority is the the all wood, 'eco friendly' Artist Pencil. Other furniture pieces will be added over time.

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